Thanks for the emails. It's been an interesting week out here in Yamate. It's the start of a new transfer, which means the schedule was a little shaken up for a day or two. Things are all settling back to normal now though. So Elder Call is back home, and I'm now working with Elder Young. He's a way cool guy who works hard, is pro-active, and is focused. It's gonna be a blast to work with him.
On Wednesday, before the transfer day, Elder Call and I were asked to go all the way to Kichijoji so I could interpret at the training all the new missionaries had before they were sent off to their new areas the next day. That was a lot of fun, and I got a chance to talk with a lot of the new missionaries. It was also nice to be able to see Elder and Sister Yamashita again. I hadn't realized how much I was missed in the office until Elder Yamashita saw me, came on over and gave me a big manly hug.
The rest of that day was pretty normal. Elder Call and I headed back to Yamate to teach English Class. When Elder Call and I had first transferred in, we started a new class at English class. Usually there is a beginner, intermediate, and advanced class, but we added a Bible class. Essentially it's a class where we study old English together out of the Bible. It went really well for Elder Call's final English Class. We taught the parable of the prodigal son. Only one of our students showed up that night, so we wee able to go really in depth and make it very applicable to them.
We had a great lesson with a great couple that we're working with. They're progressing along very slowly, but they're slowly making headway. They asked us questions about the Word of Wisdom, and we were able to answer their questions by reading together from Alma 32, and teaching them the principle of faith. We gain faith by trying or experimenting something, and then looking at the result. We showed them how they have used this principle in their own lives already many times. For example, the wife talked about paying the buck forward, and
how that makes people feel good. We pointed out that she knew that because she had experienced it. Everything then wrapped up nicely at the end when we shared that we develop faith in God the same way. Faith is built by trying, looking at the result, and acting on what you learn, not from having a perfect knowledge of every single last
That's about it for this week. The cherry blossoms are about in the middle of their peak right now, so here's a picture of Elder Young and I with a few of them.
Love you! Hear from you later!
Elder Blake
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