It's been another good week here in Japan. Things were pretty interesting for a while. Really busy and whatnot. Let's see what sort of things I can think of to tell you all about.
This last week Elder Fukuchi and I spent several days looking for new apartments (again). Between now and the end of the year the mission will increase from the current 120-ish missionaries to 205. That means we gotta find places for them all to live. So, as you can imagine, that takes alot of time. Earlier on in the week on one of those days, we got to the area we were looking for an apartment for, and ended up waiting on the real estate agent. While we were waiting, I looked at the clock, figured out how long it took us to drive there, looked up train times on the phone, and found out that it takes almost the same amount of time to drive as it would to take the train. I pointed this out to Elder Fukuchi, and seeing as how the real estate agents drive us around in their own car after we meet up, there's really no need for us to bring out own car. We could just as easily meet them up at the train station after all. We decided that unless we were moving or opening an apartment that involved carrying lots of stuff, we should just ride the trains so we can talk with people. After all, it's not very easy to do that in a car. We got a chance to try it later in the week when we went to Tokorozawa and Yamate. Just from riding the trains and talking with people on the way, we were able to take a day of looking at apartments (which usually means no time for contacting) and turn it into a day with 11 good contacts, and we were even blessed to get contact information from a couple of people too.
Thursday we had a zone conference here at Kichijoji. It was really good. There was a big focus in the trainings on how to turn potential investigators we've already found into progressing investigators. The thing that stood out to me the most from the trainings is the emphasis they put on how you don't have to have a formal sit down with somebody to invite them to hear lessons or talk about the gospel. Right now there are alot of really new young missionaries, and I'm sure that will be something that will help them alot. After all, what better opportunities are there to invite people to hear lessons than after an activity at the church when everyone is mingling and having a good time?
So, that's about all I can think of to write for this week. Just lots of the same stuff. I'm sure you don't want to hear all about the office work. It's not that exciting. Haha! Anyways, I hope you all have a great week! Talk to you later!
Elder Blake
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